Yo! Just been trying to draw Yes Man Jr from Earthbound (I LOVE the Sharks gang btw , they're so cool ^_^) and i was kinda wondering wether to animate it or not? I was kinda going to do an animation of him chewing bubblegum and blowing a bubble (fitting the dialogue telling ness to get his own gum) but then i kinda realised it was actually a Skate Punk who said it (possibly? The Sharks sprites are all the same minus Frank Fly and Frankystein Mark II) and idrk what to do cos animating it might be a bit hard (I've not done animation for a while) and i kinda like it already lol. I might figure something out hopefully.
UPDATE! I kinda just decided to leave it unanimated but the sketch is pretty good. Gotta get this bad boy in digital form though i reckon. I do feel like drawing Skate Punk and Pogo Punk next too mwahaha >:)